When I was growing up as a child I never knew what I wanted to be professionally. Do not get me wrong I was not clueless. I just knew I wanted a profession that will enable me to help people but I knew it was not nursing, being a doctor or anything related to that. Every time in school when I was asked what I wanted to be when I grow up, I was embarrassed because I did not have the answer. I had no knowledge of the name of profession I wanted to pursue.
I finished high school and going to tertiary I had given up in finding that profession I wanted to be in. clearly it was in my head and there is no such thing. Because I was good in drawing I decided, let me be an architect, at least I have the skills for it. Unfortunately I did not make it to Architecture because of points not being enough for that particular course, I managed to get my second choice which was Social Sciences because there is Economics in it. I was making sense of choosing it as, if I can’t get the profession I am passionate about and the one I am good at, at least let me focus on being rich. I believed being an Economist will get me there.
I chose Economics and Statistics as my majors, I had Psychology as one of the options for my first year.I was intrigued by this Psychology class,it some how made me want to explore it more but there was a hiccup,there was no psychology as a course in the University, it was just an elective in my faculty and was done in the Faculty of Education. second year into my Degree something happened, Psychology was introduced,finally something good is happening to me.I registered for all Psychology classes for second year and asked to change my major from Statistics to Psychology. I felt Psychology is something close to what I always wanted as a child, but still not quite. I finished my degree in Economics and Psychology. I wanted to do my Masters for psychology, but I have to be specific, I did not want to end up giving therapy to people who are mentally disturbed, I wanted to just guide them. One course resonated with me, Organisational/Industrial Psychology, at least finally I will guide people in their work places to be better people, leaders,team players achieve optimal results and be content at work.
I looked for a job in the mean time and was hired in the Ministry of Labour & Home Affairs. I was still leaving my dream to become an industrial Psychologist, I was already finding where the Ministry need me as an Industrial Psychologist. Even though I was not doing anything Psychology related at work, I participated in areas that sought of resonated with the field like Work Improvement Teams that does organisational diagnosis within the Ministry and comes up with recommendations and solutions. This was where I performed better because it was what I loved more.
In 2010, 2 years in the Ministry, I was elected to go for a leadership training in Portland, Oregon, USA. I was thrilled and enthused.This was the turning point in my life, I had being assigned a Life Coach, Tammy Zinsmeister to guide me through the entire 2 weeks. Wow, She is in the Profession I had loved since I was a kid, it was called Life Coaching, finally. I did not sleep that night, I was creating a Life Plan of becoming a life Coach. Something she guided me through. My two weeks were meaningful to me than anyone who was there I believed. I had finally discovered who I wanted to be, a Life Coach.
I started searching for schools offering training for Life Coaching, and in Botswana they were not there, still not there now. I finally went into the net and found International Coaching Federation and World Coach Academy(WCA). I chose WCA because they had offered me a scholarship.
I am over the moon with the change in my Life, I feel more content, thinking about coaching is like being in a holiday somewhere advising a couple of friends on how to better their lives. It’s Coaching, it’s a profession for others, it’s a Life purpose for me.