Rules of Netiquette – Tips for Communicating on the Internet

Netiquette is the short form of writing network etiquette or internet etiquette. Netiquette can simply be defined as the practice of good conduct or the acceptable way of communicating on the internet. It is a set of social conventions that facilitate interaction on the net. This kind of etiquette covers not only ways to maintain civility in online discussions, but also guidelines unique to the use of social media and emails. In a nut shell, netiquette is etiquette for the internet. Netiquette is the practice of good behaviors – being respectful and helpful, being disciplined and not aggressive, and being mindful of the fact that other internet users may not have the same view with you on some issues. This online code of conduct is very important because there is no body language or facial expression to help us understand another person, as there is in face to face meetings.

The history of netiquette dates back to the early days of the internet. A man came up with the idea of trying to be nice to people over the internet because they couldn’t see his facial expressions. Since netiquette is net etiquette, internet users should adhere to the tips or rules that will help them to connect and communicate better with others. The best way to excel in any place is to know the rules governing such a place. To be a respectful person who respects others on the internet, I want to share with you some tips that will help you to communicate properly on the internet and not be one who breaks the rules.

•Be Honest

Impersonation or trying to cheat people online will not only taint your reputation but can land you in big trouble. Honesty is a way of life and should not be overlooked when you are using the internet. Desist from scamming and spamming people!

•Obey Copyright Laws

Great things abound online, information for everyone on just about any topic. However, some of these materials have licenses and copyrights. Using someone’s work without permission or claiming it as your own can land you in lawsuits and fines.

•Don’t Type in all Caps

This irritates the eyes and sometimes it makes people feel that you are shouting at them. It’s okay to type in caps to highlight some words, but don’t do this all the time for every word.

•Use Proper Spellings and Grammar

Good spelling is not always easy and nobody is above mistake. Minimize the error in your writing. Typos, grammar and spelling errors can be annoying to your readers and this causes embarrassment to you as a writer. Using a browser with built-in spell checker can save you the time and energy. Be careful not to use too many jargon’s in your writing.

• Observe the Golden Rule

Respect is reciprocal; this truth is oldie, but it is goodie. Treat others as you want them to treat you. This rule will help you excel both online or offline.

Netiquette demand that you avoid flame wars and never spam people. Know it that other internet users are coming from different school of thoughts race be careful not to irk people online. Diligently observing these rules and tips listed above will help you and other users have a blissful online experience.


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